Due to projector, Stuck at Windows logo and spinning dots.


Jan 31, 2018
I have searched here, Google, Windows forums, YouTube but couldn't get it working please help.

I have projector connected to PC which I use only sometimes. Few days back I tried turning it on and PC froze. I cut power supply and tried turning on doesn't work. I set both monitor and projector to show same screen.
Now when I try to turn PC on, I get Windows logo with spinning dots after 15-20 minutes it goes to Black screen with cursor. Ctrl alt delete doesn't work. Hard Shit down to get to go automatic repair but after getting Automatic repair text for few seconds screen again goes to Black with cursor.

Tried changing ports, using single monitor, monitor & projector at same time. Tried with on board graphics. Doesn't work. ( when I connect both projector and monitor only projector screen turns on, monitor doesn't get any signal. And by projector turning on I mean only spinning dots)

I can access bios but I don't know what to do there.

Someone please help. I'm freaking out.

i5 6500
Asrock h170m Pro4
Windows 10 installed on ssd
Gigabyte 1060 oc 6GB
I don't know your bios that well, been going off the manual. You might need to contact Asrock forums and ask their help as I tried everything I can think of.

You might be best removing other 2 hdd while we fix windows, contents of them may be confusing bios as well.

My theory is that when the projector froze win 10 it caused the winload.exe to be corrupted. I have seen it before when PC crashes unexpectedly. So I don't think any hardware is damaged but it might be. It is hard to tell without being able to get past 1st step (which is get into windows)

is there anything on ssd you want to rescue? Do you have another PC you could put it in and see if it works still? if it worked in another PC, I would copy everything off it you need...
On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB - just a boot disc

disconnect projector and try running startup repair:
change boot order so USB is first, hdd second
boot from installer
on screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install.
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up repair - this will scan PC and maybe fix this - will ask for logon info

if that doesn't help, see if you can get into safe mode:
boot from installer, on 2nd screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up options
hit the restart button
choose a safe mode (it doesn't matter which) by using number associated with it.
Pc will restart and load safe mode

Sometimes just booting into safe mode can fix things up, so restart PC and see if it boots normally

none of this fixes projector though. Does it have its own drivers or attached to a GPU?
Thanks for replying helps a lot, I'll try first method soon as possible. I don't have any knowledge so I'll have to do some research first.
You said it first method doesn't work boot into safe mode. How? F8 doesn't work. Can't shift + restart as I'm not getting past logo at all.
How do you boot from installer?

We see what we can do :)

I showed you the steps to get to safe mode above
boot from installer, on 2nd screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up options
hit the restart button
choose a safe mode (it doesn't matter which) by using number associated with it.
Pc will restart and load safe mode

You need to change the boot order in BIOS so that USB is 1st and SSD is 2nd and then start PC up...
Here is your Motherboard manual: http://asrock.pc.cdn.bitgravity.com/Manual/H170M%20Pro4S.pdf

On page 72 is the Boot tabs description
You will want to make sure Fast boot is off or PC will ignore your USB
now on this screen it should show your SSD as top device in the boot order. You want to add the USB as a bootable device in here above the SSD, as then it will look at USB 1st before going to ssd.

that should be all you need to do to boot off USB

So I did first step, made USB boot disk. And now after changing boot order so that USB is first. After Windows logo and spinning dots I'm getting blue screen with cursor. What can I do now?
On boot order I'm keeping USB Sony first, Kingston ssd second and third is uefi Sony. And HDD priorities have ssd first and after that two HDDs. ( I only installed os on ssd)
After save and exit from setting I'm getting stuck on blue screen after Windows logo and spinning dots.

If I remove ssd from PC and boot from USB then I'm getting screen where I have to select language and all, but after connecting ssd only blue screen with cursor.
So fast boot is off?
See if secure boot is enabled - have a look on page 71, Disable it if it is on as it could be reason USB is being ignored while ssd is in. It was well hidden in manual, I was starting to think it didn't exist.

If secure boot doesn't help, see if legacy USB support is on, it shows on page 63 of your manual. It should be off or set to UEFI boot.
I wasn't expecting that result. The USB thing says it just adds support for USB 2 devices -
Select UEFI Setup Only to support USB devices under the UEFI setup and Windows/Linux operating systems only.

Sorry about that.

Try resetting bios to standard settings and see if it helps (or at least, re enables the UEFI)

which USB slot are you using?
Okay by resetting to standard you mean by removing battery from mobo right? I'll see if it's in manual or I'll search somewhere & will do. Before than I'll try to get that circular pin keyboard (PS or something). That's done.

After that should I try setting USB legacy on UEFI mode & try again?

Boot into bios and on front page, choose F9 - Load optimal default values for all the settings

the default settings for a H170M should already match Win 10 so don't change anything once its reset.

You might need to set USB into boot order again. Everything else should be set up for win 10.

page 18 shows how to clear the CMOS if its necessary.
This is solution to what?
To fix Windows & get everything back to normal.
Or it is for entering UEFI?

I know it might be frustrating to you. Sorry for that. But don't give up on me yet please. You are only hope I have.
Okay by boot into bios on front page, you mean with PS2 keyboard right? Or is there any way to get it work with USB keyboard?

I have one PS2 port. Hooked up PS2 keyboard to that. Pressed F2 I'm in UEFI. F9 to restore default. Prompt pops up asking if I want to load default. I press enter prompt goes away. Now what? I don't have PS 2 Mouse and USB still won't work. If I cut power and start again USB Mouse & keyboard still won't work.
wait, no USB works now? Have you tried to go to USB tab in bios and set it to UEFI again?

If no USB works otherwise, I would reset CMOS which is shown on page 18. - read the instructions as PC needs to be unplugged and turned off when you reset CMOS.

Sorry, I wasn't expecting it to be this hard.
Yes, after disabling USB legacy USB ports turn on only after it goes to Black screen. So can't enter bios with USB keyboard and mouse. I can get in with PS 2 keyboard but can't save & exit as I cant use Mouse. I'll see if I can get a Mouse and it works.
Otherwise I'll go for CMOS reset.

Thanks. I'll get back after this works.
Okay did reset USB works again.

Now I guess it's weekend you won't be available for couple days? So when you'll have time please reply with next step.

One thing, probably irrelevant, after I reset settings boot option #1 is sata3_0/m.2 (sata) Wdc.
So I guess it's Western digital HDD.
And in boot drive BBS priorities sata3_0/m.2 (sata) Wdc is first, second sata 3_1 Kingston then sata3_4 Wdc.
Windows is installed on ssd though. So was wondering why if it should be first.
I have one ssd & two HDDs and no m.2 memory. Probably nothing but thought should let you know.
its almost Sunday here, so the weekend thing doesn't apply really :)

Does windows boot yet?

Some Motherboards share the m.2 slot channel with sata channels, so I assume sata3_0/m.2 (sata) Wdc is just showing the drive that was in the sata 3_0 slot.

were all 3 drives in PC when you installed windows 10 as it could be the boot partition for the ssd is on the WDC disk

Is the ssd in sata 3_1 or sata3_2? it doesn't matter really, just curious
Does Windows boot yet?
Without USB Black screen with cursor after spinning dots.
And with USB blue screen with cursor after spinning dots.

At installation one HDD was there with ssd. Added one HDD after year.

Ssd is in 3_1, first HDD in 3_0.
Secure boot and fast boot both disabled. USB works.
Connecting USB I'm getting two options in boot priority, USB: something and UEFI: something. I'm selecting USB as first. Though tried with other one too doesn't help.