Duel PSU for GTX 460?


Feb 1, 2013
Hi ,I got a 300W PSU with 17amps on the +12v line, i m getting a low performance at 1024x768 resolution with GTX 460
30 FPS Farcry 3 both on 1024x768 resolution not even ultra graphics
I think the problem is the PSU so i decided to buy a new one , but i don't have $$ atm to buy a good one. I got an other PSU 400W 24Amps on the +12v line i cant use it alone cauz it doesnt have enouf molex like the 300W PSU,So is it safe that i use a duel PSU ? like the 400W PSU for the graphic card and the other for the rest even tho they dont have same Amps on 12v line?
I dont wanna use molex splitter btw.
and does the PSU really affect the perfermance badly this?

Motherboard:Biostar 945GC-M7 TE
CPU:Core 2 duo 2.9 ghz
Graphic:GTX 460
You could jerry rig something for it. Just use this method: http://www.overclock.net/t/96712/how-to-jump-start-a-power-supply-psu-test-a-power-supply-and-components

Probably won't be the best solution but it will work lol I remember doing this back in the day to run dual GPU's with two 300w power supplies when I was a high schooler with no moneys.

I wouldn't recommend this for a long-term solution only short term as you may end up frying it if you plug in one connector from each power supply not sure how that would work.

Thank you for your reply.

I really need any other solution then buying a new PSU lol . So yea it ll be for few weeks only till i get some few more money for a new good PSU.I just want to know if this can dammage my GPU since both PSUs dont have the same Amps on the +12v line. if it's safe i might give it a try since i know how to do it.

Molex adapters can be daisy chained, just like attaching strings of Christmas lights.

That said, a GTX460 is relatively power hungry and may not run on 400w.

If you install a second psu, you will need to jury rig some sort of mechanism to power on the one that is not attached to the motherboard.

Really, just go and buy a Corsair cx 500 psu for $40: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139027

A 400w psu with 24a does not sound like a quality unit to me.