Hey everyone, this bsod happens atleast once a day, even if i'm just browsing facebook.. I'd like some help on how to fix it if anyone has the expertise?
I have an R9 280x
8gb ram
i7 3770k
525 watt psu (i know, need to upgrade that)
I have checked the crack in BlueScreenView and it says
dump file:062814-42775-01.dmp
caused by driver: atikdmag.sys
caused by adress: atikdmag.sys+12345f
This is the same for all the times before.
Thanks for any help in advance!!!
I have an R9 280x
8gb ram
i7 3770k
525 watt psu (i know, need to upgrade that)
I have checked the crack in BlueScreenView and it says
dump file:062814-42775-01.dmp
caused by driver: atikdmag.sys
caused by adress: atikdmag.sys+12345f
This is the same for all the times before.
Thanks for any help in advance!!!