During a cut-scene the left driver lost sound. The left driver got very low and the right driver stayed normal. Headphones.

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Sep 12, 2015
My New beyerdynamic dt 990 600 ohm headphoner lost sound after a loud volume, but went back normal after a minute. I use the headphones with my Creative Blaster X7 with my PS4. I was playing Wolfenstein: The New Order and during a cut-scene the left driver lost sound. The left driver got very low and the right driver stayed normal. This stayed liked this for a minute it and then it went back to normal. This happened twice at the same spot as before during the cut-scene. I am still under warranty 45 day from Buy-dig.com and can send it back for a replacement. The problem I have is; is it damaged now, or perfectly fine, as I hear no sound difference before this happened? I do not want to send it back, if it is not broken, as when the people check it out, they will find it is in normal condition and I will not be able to get a replacement. Does this happen to other people or just me.
Try to disable any surround settings on your PS4 and if the heaset has a "sound card" make sure to turn it off on that too. Then play that [art again to see if it repros
Question from myaccount1234 : "es left drivMy New beyerdynamic dt 990 600 ohm headphoner lost sound after a loud volume, but went back normal after a minute."

Try to disable any surround settings on your PS4 and if the heaset has a "sound card" make sure to turn it off on that too. Then play that [art again to see if it repros
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