Dust proof cool PC for heavy rendering for VFX work


Apr 11, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: Within the next month or so.

Budget Range: ~$1,000

System Usage from Most to Least Important: VFX Compositing that needs a lot of processing power and Crysis 2

Parts Not Required: Mouse, Speakers

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg.com, Amazon, any other trusted seller.

Country of Origin: I don't know what this means but I live in the US.

Parts Preferences: by brand or type: No AMD parts.

Overclocking: Probably not.

SLI or Crossfire: Probably not.

Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 prefered, 1920x1200 acceptable.

Additional Comments: Don't know if this is possible, but need it as dust proof as it gets, and cool. I have a small apartment which is already hot cuz sunlight streams into it. Any extra heat generated from the PC will heat up my room a lot more.

I am also looking to have a dual CPU setup, but want to use only 1 CPU at the moment. Will add another CPU to it when I have the funds. I will make do with 4GB of RAM for now if it brings the price down. I also need a cheap 24" monitor (or anything around that size).

Thanks in advance for the help!


Apr 11, 2011
Hey guys, I need to pick up a PC in the next couple of weeks and any help with this rig would be greatly appreciated :) I was trying to do some research on my own with these motherboards that support two processors but there are so many options and I don't know what would be an economical option for me. I don't want to cut corners that make my motherboard obsolete in a year!