Dv7 laptop overheat

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You have to open it and clean the fan/heatsink. But whatever you do, DO NOT use a compressed air can to blow into it without opening the computer. Since it's getting hot enough to freeze, it must be so dirty that air from the fan is not flowing at all. If you push air with a compressed air can, the bunch of dirt will get stuck in the fan and it might end up breaking it. There's no easy way to do it without taking it apart, and you might want to ask for professional help.
You have to open it and clean the fan/heatsink. But whatever you do, DO NOT use a compressed air can to blow into it without opening the computer. Since it's getting hot enough to freeze, it must be so dirty that air from the fan is not flowing at all. If you push air with a compressed air can, the bunch of dirt will get stuck in the fan and it might end up breaking it. There's no easy way to do it without taking it apart, and you might want to ask for professional help.
I have an HP Pavilion G7 laptop that's almost four years old. Just after a year of ownership and out of warranty, the cooling fan died. When I opened it up to replace the fan, I was shocked at the amount of dust that had accumulated..and I keep my home clean.

If you are only slightly technically aptitude, it's easy to take these things apart and work on them. Just be careful, keep record of what screws were removed where, and find videos of Youtube showing you step by step on how to do it for your model or one close enough to it. Here's your service manual as a starting point reference:


Thank you guys . I'll open and ckean the fan

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