DVI-I to VGA Converter


Aug 17, 2014
The Graphic card that i will be buying has a DVI-I output and my monitor has a VGA input i don't understand which adapter i should buy. There are loads some are £5 and below and some are £40 and above. I'm just not willing to take the risk on buying a graphics card that has a DVI-I output and also buying a converter that costs £40+. And would i need to plug the converter on the monitor end or the graphic card output end? please can you help thank you.

Kind Regards

You need the cheap version with no electronics only wires connecting VGA analogue signal on dvi to VGA db15 connector

But many graphics cards already include the adapter in the box

Mike Barnes

Thank you for the reply but i still don't fully grasp the concept of the conversion. For instance: the type i need e.g this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/DVI-I-VGA-Monitor-Converter-Adaptor/dp/B000Q6LSWW OR http://www.amazon.co.uk/StarTech-Resolution-Video-Converter-DVI2VGACON/dp/B003YC560U/ref=sr_1_63?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1408279401&sr=1-63&keywords=dvi-i+to+vga+converter this one. I'm sorry if i come across as arrogant. I appreciate every help i can get.

Thank you so much Mike I can't thank you enough