DVI stops working after POST (HD 6450)


Jul 3, 2010
OK, so I recently upgraded my parents computer, and everything is working great, except the DVI port. I am using a Radeon HD 6450, and the VGA works fine, but if I plug the monitor in to the DVI port, then it will work properly up until the Windows is starting screen (I am running windows 7 64 bit) and then it the monitor stops receiving any signal. I am using the latest drivers, however before I installed the drivers, DVI was working fine, I could get in to windows without any issues, it is only after installing AMD's drivers that I have begun having this issue.

I have tried plugging a second monitor in to the VGA port while my main monitor is plugged in to the DVI port and the VGA one connected fine, but when I went in to the display settings, it acted as if the DVI monitor wasn't even plugged in.

I suppose I should mention that I am using a single link cable, not double link, but I don't see how that could be the problem, seeing as it works fine before entering windows.

Thank you in advance!

I can't, like I said, it acts as if the DVI monitor isn't even plugged in, so the digital panel option doesn't even show up.
I have had the card for just over 30 days (I haven't had any time to do the upgrade until just recently) so I can't do an RMA from Newegg (this is the card I bought by the way).

The card does have a 3 year warranty, although I think I may just keep it and use the VGA port instead of the DVI. If I start having other issues then I will probably contact Gigabyte and see if I can get a replacement.

If I want to stress test the card to make sure there aren't any other issues, what program would you recommend I use, and how long should I run it?
Well, your problem looks simple to me. Unfortunatly you chose a gigabyte card. There feature inferior workmanship, shoddy quality and low end parts. Chances are that the DVI port simply does not work 🙁 Gigabyte staff are usually helpful about this however, and will send you broken replacements should you wish. I recommend getting a refund, and spending that little extra on maybe a MSI or Sapphire.

However, thinking back, I did use to have a graphics card where I had to have BOTH VGA and DVI connected to the same monitor for DVI to work. Give that a go 😛

In regard to stress testing, : unigine.com/products/heaven/
We have had a very similar problem to this though we have an AMD Radeon 6570 that we are trying to connect to a Samsung LED HD 6050 tv via the HDMI port on the AMD video card. We are running Windows7 64 MB.

Like the original poster, we can see the boot screen for the pc followed by the windows logo and then, poof, it all disappears. We have also hooked up another monitor via the VGA output on the video card and that seems to work fine (alone and in parallel with the nonfunctional HDMI output). When running the VGA in parallel, the computer/video card does not even detect the Samsung tv (our VGA monnitor is device 1 and there is no device 2). Also like the original poster, when we boot in safe mode and bypass the AMD's drivers we do find that the Samsung tv works though it won't allow us to run Windows Media Center (which is the whole point of this exercise). For the record, we have tried the AMD HDMI out in both HDMI inputs on the Samsung.

I so want to believe that it is a bad video card as that would make some sense. Here is the rub.....we tried hooking it up to another tv....an older Vizio LCD tv via the HDMI out on the video card and it works!!! What witchcraft is this? Our Samsung HDMI inputs both work fine from the cable box and the DVD player.

For the record, the Vizio was borrowed from someone else so the simple solution of hooking it to the Vizio doesn't work.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Our last ditch effort is to go get another video card but if there is any hope that this one might work (as it does with the Vizio) then we would like to avoid the expense and hassle.

Thank you for any suggestions you may have.