DVID-VGA Adapter and display Problem


Dec 9, 2016
I bought a DVI-D to VGA converter for the purpose of a dual monitor setup. I have one hdmi port at the back of my GPU, and one at my motherboard. I have one of my monitors plugged HDMI-HDMI inside my GPU and it works fine. When I plug in the second one it says that there's no signal. I test the converter on my main monitor on the old VGA cable used for my old computer on my old monitor which used to work. No effect. I tested it on the new VGA cable that came with my new screen-still nothing. I tried plugging in the converter to my motherboard - no effect. I tried doing that with the HDMI cable, no signal. I figured it has to do something with the integrated graphics card in my motherboard, which I enabled from the BIOS settings. My computer started tripping from there and didnt have the HDMI cable work from the motherboard nor GPU, saying no signal once bios was exited. None of the cables seemed to work after I exited from BIOS
until I turned off IGD. Then its like nothing changed. I do not know if there's a problem with the converter itself or a port or something else. I would love to get some assistance on this as I went through alot of hardware for a simple dual monitor setup.

I would like to note that I customely built my PC with a Geforce GTX 1060 6GB armor oc graphics card and that it has three displayports, one hdmi and one dvi-d in particular port.

My motherboard is an MSI Z170 Pro Carbon with one visible HDMI port and one DVI and nothing else port. Both of the DVI ports look the same and like this: http://prntscr.com/dhi9bh

Thank you in advance.
your card has 3 display ports this may be the way to go ? [display port digital only]


if you need hdmi [digital only]


dvi-D to vga


the key thing here is you got to use a ''ACTIVE adaptor '' to now convert the all digital signal the 10 series cards only offer native

''Display connectivity options include a DVI port, an HDMI port, and three DisplayPorts. Unlike previous NVIDIA cards, the DVI port no longer includes an analog signal, so you'll have to use an active adapter. '' [ all 10 series cards]...
You bought the wrong adapter. You need an active adapter, something like This one. Your local staples, bestbuy, walmart ... may also carry one.

The one you bought is just a gender changer, it puts the dvi-d digital signals onto a vga cord and then another gender changer would be on the other end to convert it back. They are for places with vga cabling already installed like a conference room. You need to convert the digital signal into an analog one.

Now if you had a dvi-i port then you could use a simple dvi-i gender changer since dvi-i has analog signals too
your card has 3 display ports this may be the way to go ? [display port digital only]


if you need hdmi [digital only]


dvi-D to vga


the key thing here is you got to use a ''ACTIVE adaptor '' to now convert the all digital signal the 10 series cards only offer native

''Display connectivity options include a DVI port, an HDMI port, and three DisplayPorts. Unlike previous NVIDIA cards, the DVI port no longer includes an analog signal, so you'll have to use an active adapter. '' [ all 10 series cards]


or just buy a new monitor to support your new card the 900 series card supported analog native through its DVi-''I'' port no added or extra cost , it supports you not now you having to support it like the 10 series

Thank you so much for the replies, so buying an active adapter with the correct plug will work without a doubt?

Sorry for the late reply, been busy with holiday preparations and whatnot