DX 8.1 sucks


Dec 31, 2007
I just formatted my hd because I started getting this annnoying msg, "directdraw beta has expired, please upgrade". or something similar. well after trying find and upgrade on ms.com, and downloading and installing the newest dx8 from microshit(sorry, but I'm really pissed) I still got the msg. Every time I tried to run an app. that required directdraw, I got the the mssg. and I began to drive me crazy. Has anyone else had theis happen, if so did yo find a fix?


Jeff in LA.
I never heard that someone has successfully removed DirectX, but if you are going to do the drastic reformat you may as well want to give this a shot <A HREF="http://www.tweakfiles.com/misc/directxuninstaller.html" target="_new">click here</A> then report back with a post to let us know if it works. I am not meaning you to be the guinea pig, but you will be the first that I know of that tried. Hope this is helpful. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Fisher of men<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by jc14all on 09/10/01 06:52 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
I have the same problem!
I've already reinstalled 8.0a and then 8.0 over it but the message keeps coming!
I posted this also on the M$ forum but no response until now. (and we are not alone, several posts there also)
Hell! I've kept my system clean for over nine months now, if I could lay my hands on the programmer who invented this beauty .....
Can someone please give us a means to undo this without having to reformat and reinstall Windows?
When we installed the 8.1 version nothing told us that we were going to run a beta version and even then, if we are happy with it, why this stupid message?
Help Please

:tongue: <font color=blue>ACUNA MATATA?<font color=blue>.. 😱 <font color=red>MATATA MATATA!!<font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by MahiMahi on 09/10/01 02:18 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Tried your link Fisher but it didn't work,
""Bad Gateway
The following error occurred:
DNS lookup error ""
Can you check it over please?
Thanks in advance

:tongue: <font color=blue>ACUNA MATATA?<font color=blue>.. 😱 <font color=red>MATATA MATATA!!<font color=red>
OK Guys,
Someone answered at the M$ forum (not the moderator, his response was "you shouldn't install illegal soft" or something like that).

Goto http://www.tweak.dk/andre.php and download the 8.1 version for your operating system.
It will do the trick. 🙂

:tongue: <font color=blue>ACUNA MATATA?<font color=blue>.. 😱 <font color=red>MATATA MATATA!!<font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by MahiMahi on 09/10/01 05:38 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Sorry about the bad link in my above post MahiMahi, I corrected it. I'm happy to hear you found the fix, and I hope others follow you lead.

Fisher of men
I had the same prob, I downloaded a directx uninstaller (cant remember where from), and worked just fine :)
I'm going to upload the program to <A HREF="http://www.calvsplace.cwc.net" target="_new">my site</A> when I get home- about 6 hours from now.

Next time you wave - use all your fingers