DX11 coming Sep 10th!!

Rumor is, a single card will outdo your x2, tho, rumors are going you may have time to wait for the top card, it may come later
W1zzard over at TPU said as much, in a sneaky sorta way, as well as other rumors Ive read, but it should be worth it.
Crysis at 25x16 50fps anyone?
Didn't they say that for DirectX 10 also????
The new Cats? You try them yet? Or are you running nVidia?
Already, the ATI claims made earlier are coming true, 50% more in many games, so now theyre saying, as they said about the 4xxx series, which came true, about the 5xxx series.
Im inclined to believe them
I just hope the same thing won't happen to ATI as when DirectX 10 was released. They were ready ahead of time based on earlier DX spec, but at the last minute the spec changed and they were left standing. What was DX 10.1 was originally all in DX 10, but it was removed.

Shhhh, how am I supposed to sell my card with you saying that ?
And I just purchased another GTX 260 C216 last week... Seriously though, It seems most games coming out are console ports so most modern systems should be able to handle games to come for a few years.
Its good to finally get a solid date but im slightly confused and also excited at the same time,
First im thinking. Why release a card that runs DX11 before the actual DX is released (or does the W7 RC run full DX11 already) ? Then im thinking that the only sensable answer is because these cards will kick but even before you feed them with DX11 😀
Either way its going to have to be a good deal of improvement at a reasonable pricepoint before i pay out for a new card just yet.
It depends what cards get released as well as im not in the market for top end.
