DX11 Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up.

Apr 15, 2018
Hi everyone,
new here. I hope I'm writing in the right section of the forum.
I have some problems with my GPU. It keeps crashing while I run Fortnite (I think is DX11 related).
I'm running it on a clean install to be sure nothing with the system was going on. I alsoo tried to make the graphic card crash, running various suites like 3DMark or Phoroniex on Ubuntu without actually being able of make it crash. I have no clue of what is going on.

I have a Nvidia GTX 960 2GB as GPU and a I7-6700 as CPU.
16 GB of RAM. Tried to run windows on both an SSD and an HDD, and that's it.

Posting a piece of the log:

[2018.04.15-14.41.49:238][436]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)
[2018.04.15-14.41.49:238][436]LogFortHitches: HITCHHUNTER: Hitch in GPU of 491.9 ms has been detected this frame
[2018.04.15-14.41.49:739][437]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:239][437]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:241][437]LogCore: Error: Hitch detected on gamethread (frame hasn't finished for 1002.61ms):
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:241][437]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 1003.10ms) STAT_EventWait
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: ------Stack start
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ffd67550344 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ffd63c73b7f KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63bbcaac5 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63c4432e4 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63ab2cf35 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63ab333fc FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63ab3345a FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63ab3a77f FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ff63d84b207 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ffd65571fe4 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ffd6751f061 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: 0x00007ffd6751f061 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
[2018.04.15-14.41.50:265][437]LogCore: Error: ------Stack end
I had the same issues a while ago, and I thought i tried everything to fix it with no luck.

Later I decided to try turning down settings that cause lots of load for the gpu such as anti aliasing in fortnite, and surprisngly it actually worked.
Already did it actually! They don't accept ticket from player that doesn't have a paid account!

EDIT: I can clearly post all the log, dump file and so on. Just let me know if someone is able to understand what is going on and I will!
I had the same issues a while ago, and I thought i tried everything to fix it with no luck.

Later I decided to try turning down settings that cause lots of load for the gpu such as anti aliasing in fortnite, and surprisngly it actually worked.