dx12 cards or not


Aug 2, 2015
I'm planning on buying a graphics card I'm on a low budget so I was wondering if I should wait for a cheap good dx12 card or just buy a r7 260x or gtx 750 ti
as there are no dx12 games out atm you can wait a little longer which will allow you to save up a little more scratch and afford something better.
even if you cant save any more then waiting is still good as you will likely get the cards a little cheaper anyway.
it will be oct/nov before the first dx12 title's arrive so wait till then.

Very first Google hit for DX12 graphics card.

TLDR - Yes, basic DX12 features will work for all those cards. BUT none of those will support all the extra DX12 features - only the 900 series for Nvidia will support every DX12 function.

The thing is, we don't even know if dev's have any plans to support any of those new features. What we do know, is they do plan to take advantage of the low overhead API, which will benefit everyone with a reasonably up to date card. If the past means anything, we can expect the wave of DX12 games to stick with features most everyone can use.

Would go wit DirectX12 just so if you do benefit from it then God if not then youl still have a beast of a card
If you can get close to the same performance for the cost, it is worth going with the DX12 card, otherwise, I would not worry about it. You'll likely have to upgrade to take advantage of any ground breaking DX12 features, and it may be a while before we see any of those features anyway.

But if the cost is similar for the performance, it is worth covering as many options as possible.