DX12 with different graphics cards


Jun 23, 2015
Hi all,

I am currently running i7 5960 with 16gb ram, x99 MSI mobo and GTX 980TI on 4k.

As a single GPU it runs ok but want to now get to switch on the extra few settings on ultra at 4k.

I am going to invest into a 2nd card but with Windows 10 now running and DX12 I have heard rumours of being able to use different cards different vendors and even a rumour of cross GPU

Anyone know or tried this and if so what sort of perimeters are there to this.

ex: can i run 980ti with 970.
can you run different vendors such as MSI and EVGA

And lastly and one im kind of curious. can i run Nvidia with AMD such as GTX980ti with Fury X.

May seem a silly question but its got me curious.

DX12 may allow to use different cards but it is a different story if Nvidia/AMD will allow this.
You can SLI different vendors of the same model, i.e. you can run SLI with a MSI GTX 980 and an EVGA GTX 980.
As of now, you cannot mix the performance of an Nvidia and AMD card.

Great question i'm in the same boat and considering buying a 2nd 980 Ti, however like you i would love to buy a 2nd hand 970 or something to boost 10 - 20 fps in SLI as i have a 60hz Gsync 4k monitor and a 980 ti may be overkill for 10-20 fps.

Tom's has this article http://www.tomshardware.com/news/microsoft-directx12-amd-nvidia,28606.html

The potential is there according to that article if the developers utilise the Explicit Asynchronous Multi-GPU capabilities - bit its alot of work for the developer.