DX79si and G Skill Rip Jawz F3-12800CL9Q2-32GBZL (4GB*8)

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Jan 24, 2012
Hello. I got lucky and acquired a DX79SI with 3960X processor at a great price . I would like to purchase the F3-12800CL9Q2-32GBZL (4GB*8) kit for RAM, but its not listed as compatible on the G Skillz website. They list the F3-12800CL10Q-32GBZL (8Gx4) kit instead, which I would prefer not to buy as its twice the price........ Has anyone run the 4GB*8 in the DX79SI?

This rig will be replacing a very hard working AutoCard station. It will be doing 2d plan/elevation renders only - no 3D. I'd be grateful for any additional recommendations.

I'm not planning on overclocking this as its going into a 24/7 business application.

Heatsink: Intel BXRTS2011LC http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835203006
Powersuppy: Antec 850w
Case: Antec 900

Welcome to Tom's Forum! :)

Intel and any MOBO manufacturer cannot list ALL of the RAM kits out there nor keep it up to date as new RAM kits come on the market.

8x4GB F3-12800CL9Q2-32GBZL ; will work fine
4x8GB F3-12800CL10Q-32GBZL ; will work fine

The Intel BXRTS2011LC, Corsair H100 {edit - case permitting}, Thermaltake Frio, etc all work fine.

However, if you're going to be running the PC 7/24/365 then only look at Gold or Platinum certified PSU's, even in area like mine $0.12/kWh it adds up and PSU's pay for themselves. Not knowing your setup in particular the GPU(s) 850W is the bare minimum (OC or small GPU vs Stock or 1 Good GPU).
Welcome to Tom's Forum! :)

Intel and any MOBO manufacturer cannot list ALL of the RAM kits out there nor keep it up to date as new RAM kits come on the market.

8x4GB F3-12800CL9Q2-32GBZL ; will work fine
4x8GB F3-12800CL10Q-32GBZL ; will work fine

The Intel BXRTS2011LC, Corsair H100 {edit - case permitting}, Thermaltake Frio, etc all work fine.

However, if you're going to be running the PC 7/24/365 then only look at Gold or Platinum certified PSU's, even in area like mine $0.12/kWh it adds up and PSU's pay for themselves. Not knowing your setup in particular the GPU(s) 850W is the bare minimum (OC or small GPU vs Stock or 1 Good GPU).
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