Dying GPU or bad pop-ins? *Screenshots*


Aug 27, 2015
Hello everyone,

I noticed that in graphic intensive games (specifically Far Cry 4 and The Witcher 3) I have textures that load weirdly/improperly. I know pop-ins are normal, but I have it so that textures are sort of blotched in, sometimes even when I'm standing close to them. I noticed this especially in The Witcher 3 (which I currently have uninstalled otherwise I would have took screenshots) but I am seeing similar things in FC4.

In the first two pics, look at the back of the cave. You can see white dots/pixels that shouldn't be there. When I move around, they also fade/come in and move.
The last pics, look at the boxes and how the textures of them change. It's not even the whole object popping in our out, it's just bits of it.

Is this normal? GPU dying? If it would help I could go reinstall Witcher 3 and grab some screenshots from that.

Also I have a MSI GTX 980 if this matters, all settings on Ultra.

Thank you.







You may have to full screen the images to really see (the boxes especially). Note how the small box in the last image is completely blue, but in the previous images it's brown. The color/texture/pixels are loading in...

Yes I have the latest drivers installed and always have. The little white dots/pixels in the back of the cave is concerning. That definitely shouldn't happen..

In Witcher 3 is it something like this?

A similar question has been asked here:

From what I found searching online, the card's temperature is too high or it has faulty VRAM.

Yes! Those lines on the screen I've seen exactly in Witcher 3. Not the white boxes (not sure if those are just windows?) but the lines on screen I've seen a few times on certain textures/shadows.
My card temp is fairly low fans kick in 65c and seems to sit around 72c.