Dying graphics card?


Nov 6, 2013
Hello forum,

After installing windows 10 I began to see some oddities. During playing games/browsing the internet/using the desktop I have noticed weird display discoloration at times. I'm not sure how to explain it and it's to quick to grab a screen shot of it but it looks like pink/black/white stutters on the desk top. They're quite quick but noticeable. I'm running on 2x GTX 980's in sli and I am not sure if it's windows 10 or one of my graphic cards are dying. Any suggestions?

Completely uninstall and reinstall the Nvidia drivers. If it still occurs, run each card (no SLI) and see if you can determine if it is one of the cards
Have you got F.lux enabled? Try disabling it. You can also adjust your monitor settings via the control panel, or desktop (right click). You can even try increasing the digital vibrance in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Also, if the cards are overclocked, revert them back to stock. Then make sure the SLI bridge and the PCIE/power connectors are securely in place on the cards.

Make sure your mobo/VGA/display drivers are compatible with Windows 10. Reinstall the monitor driver and the Nvidia drivers for your graphics cards.