Dying Light PC game problem !!

Goku Kakkarot

Jan 19, 2014
First of all i wnat to ask whuch temperature should i watch from HWInfo64
Cpu0 package
Cpu ( fan speed i guess)

Which temperature is actuall core temperature. And overdrive shows my cpu margin is 48°C on ideal what does that mean?
And now to the point
My config:
CPU : FX6300 with TX3 EVO @ 4.0GHz
GPU : Sapphire R9 270x dual x oc with boost BF4 edition @1100MHz
MB : GA-78lmt-s2 rev1.2
RAM : Simtronics 4GB @ 1600Mhz will buy another stick soon
PSU : Cirsair AX550

Cpu usage while playing dying light is
Core0: 60-90%
All other : 40-51% only
GPU : 60-95%
PS : 35-60

Is it normal?
my cpu0 and cpu0 package temperature is 51 max
And CPU temperature (underis ITxxxx something sensor) 58 max if it is 58 then i need to worry.

also my sttings in game texture: medium, res: 1366×768, everthying on except VSync, view distance: 40%, and other: high!
No! You don't need to worry.. like at all. If it was over 76 or so, that would be different. 51 is totally fine.
Why don't you google for the safe operating temperature range for your processor?