dying light v 1.5 problems


Nov 5, 2014
i installed dying light patch 1.5 it didn't lunch so i deleted in dw/data:engine_rpacz , common_cod_1_pc.rpacz it worked but i had no weapons textures so i deleted weapons_pc.rpacz but now i can't change outfits is any fix for this?
If you deleted files, then started the game and kept doing this for a while you probably corrupted some file somewhere.

There seems to be an issue with some of the .rpacz files related to the 1.5 patch, and the fix you've used for it allows you to play the game, though when you remove that file, it effectively removes something in-game, like textures, models, outfits, weapons etc.

It isn't much of a fix to delete/rename those files. If you want all the game functions to work properly, wait for a fix, or try a reinstall. At this point I doubt a little renaming and file moving will fix it.
i still have the files saved in a folder but if i put any of them in the game folder the game crash and the weapons files disable weapons textures and the crack is from the same patch developers, the game is working fine but i can't change my outfit
If you deleted files, then started the game and kept doing this for a while you probably corrupted some file somewhere.

There seems to be an issue with some of the .rpacz files related to the 1.5 patch, and the fix you've used for it allows you to play the game, though when you remove that file, it effectively removes something in-game, like textures, models, outfits, weapons etc.

It isn't much of a fix to delete/rename those files. If you want all the game functions to work properly, wait for a fix, or try a reinstall. At this point I doubt a little renaming and file moving will fix it.

now i can't see any new weapons in the game is the any new patch that can fix the problem?
As I already said, deleting files isn't really a fix. It might solve one problem, but it causes another. I recommend reinstalling the game w/o installing patch 1.5 until a more stable one is released. Patch 1.5.1 had a few performance fixes but I don't know if it fixed theese issues, and I definitely don't know when the patch is available to pirated games.

I know it sucks to reinstall the game, especially if you play hard mode, but until the game gets an official patch there isn't much of a fix I can think of.
If it's a Steam version you don't need to reinstall the whole game. Just verify the integrity of the game cache in Steam and it will DL and install any missing or corrupted files.


What this process does is compare the game files on your PC to the master files stored on the Steam server. It's a lot quicker and easier than reinstalling the whole game.


Well, granted I did not see/read that part of the conversation, but I'm pretty sure Tom's forum policy does not allow talk or help regarding pirated copies of games.

It's a topic best left to PM if you discuss it at all. It seems some people don't get what subculture means.


Yeah, so you're claiming it's not practical to take such risks without knowing. I could just as easily argue you could get feedback from those whom have played it either via forum chat or Googling for YouTube vids. The same goes for how well it plays on your spec. By the time games release, and especially a week or two after, there's usually tons of info on their content, gameplay, and performance.

And for that matter, it's not really practical for any gaming forum whom have certain ties and responsibilities to developers, game product manufacturers, and the health of the gaming industry itself, to allow open discussion of pirated games, which only hurts the industry. It would be lazy and disingenuous for game forums to allow it. You want to talk about such things, use a site like Reddit.

You may argue that piracy doesn't hurt gaming, but it's clear from what we've seen developers do and say that less money is being spent on PC ports because of it, and more intrusive DRMs are being used, as well as their using microtransactions in the form of game features and DLC to compensate.

Anyone that claims piracy makes only a small dent and is not hurting gaming, is selfishly living in denial. Most public forums (including Tom's), do not allow discussion of it for these reasons. And while you aren't necessarily openly claiming this, in trying to excuse it, you are by extension trying to justify it.

i understand that the game industry need money to make more games and stay operational but i just can risk my money on a new game that i haven't played before , maybe later when i get better amount of money i'll stop doing this

I understand the argument, that's not really my point. No matter how one justifies the reason for it, using open forums where most buy their games only causes resentment. It doesn't help the cause of wanting better quality games, or realistic free playable demos that aren't misleading one bit. The person mentioning it also didn't even indicate if he turns around and BUYS the games once he finds he likes them.

I'm fully aware that many whom pirate games only want to be sure they'll like them and be able to play them, esp since playable demos are a thing of the past, but there are better ways to go about it than needlessly tempting fate by discussing it on an open forum that has responsibilities to gaming patrons and the gaming industry, which sites like Reddit don't.

I also know full well that many whom do pirate a game will later buy it if they like it and can play it, but many get spoiled by free games, and that's where the developer end only suffers by it. The only way to really punish those responsible for low quality games, the pubs that profit most, without hurting the devs that put hard work into them, is by waiting for price drops.

Pubs go by units sold as much as they do net profits. It's a demographic that's taken seriously. If they sell a lot of copies months after release at a lower price, that tells them a lot of people are interested, but expect better quality. It's one of the best ways to lobby for better games without hurting the industry, but it takes patience.

Often times purchases made at or near launch are fraught with frustration though. In many cases it can be a BETTER experience to wait for the price drops and get the game after proper patching is done. This is one of the reasons I'm all for staggered vs simultaneous releases. Rockstar have done well by it, but you have to understand it's largely because their PC customers trust them because they've earned that trust with good quality control, the kind that comes with the proper time and money it takes to make a good PC version.