Dyn DDoS Takes Down Major Websites For Houes; Yet Another Sign Of Powerful Attacks To Come

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Ehh.... oh well, time to go outside and get some of that vitamin D that most of us are short on. If you look at all the website listed that are down for a bit then its no biggie. Time for some REAL socialization.
i wonder if this is in retaliation to what joe biden said. something along the lines of "all out cyber attacks on russia."



to me that is absolute idiocy. its just asking for a response. announcing it like this will force putin into a situation no 1 should be in. having to face down a super power knowing it could lead to MADness.

if your living in the uk, you should be especially worried by this kind of action taken by america, coz we are literally the piggy in the middle.
looks like the NWO tantrum squad is working over time to keep anyone from looking at the latest WikiLeaks / Guccifer 2.0 or DNCHack info because BOY it is damning!
And what did people expect to happen with the IoT unfortunately? The only way that something will change with IoT devices is if the DDoS something like Facebook and Google and take them offline for a while, then people will get angry enough to actually get changes pushed through
And yet the fools in charge of things will still continue to move toward total internet reliance on things. One example, Internet goes down can't buy groceries cause all the cash registers need it now for all the people who pay for everything with cards. I for one use cash for day to day activities, don't need them knowing what food I buy or where I buy my gas at. Oh and don't forget to thank the Obama regime (the liar from Kenya) for giving away the internet too.
Seems incredible to me that these major companies aren't running their own DNS servers. So instead of having to target dozens of sites, hackers can now take down a whole swathe of them in one single attack. Welcome to the wonderful world of cloud computing /sarc.
Nitrium: DNS can't run that way, not efficiently anyway. You're saying, well, Twitter should maintain its own DNS. How do I know the address of Twitter's DNS? DNS is resolved in reverse... .com, .gov, .edu, etc. all have their own top-level servers. Then the next level is the 'company' level...twitter, say. THEN they direct you to the Twitter server.

Some of these "well so what, I never use those" responses are incredibly naive. THIS time, it didn't hurt you. Next time? I suggest taking off the blinders and thinking beyond yourself.

So this guy is full of it: http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=231579 ?

As I've been saying for some time now, The Internet of Things will be the death of us all.

This attack is only the beginning and will only get worse as more unnecessary things have access to the interwebs.
No manufacture is going to issue a a firmware update for a IOT coffee maker, refrigerator, or toilet because it's not worth the money it would cost to secure those devices.

I dont use those sites either. But my Friday gaming session on a locally hosted private server with friends was badly affected.
So this affects more than just those specific websites. The rest of the masses were probably just wondering "why is this so slow tonite"

That seems a little strange to me. Just null route the computers or IP address doing the attacks and done... attack stopped.
Then you can contact the ISP's that had people doing those attacks and have them start contacting customers to inform them that their computers were made part of a botnet.

The problem is that it takes a lot of computing power to be able to do so on the fly, especially when you're facing so much traffic like they were when the DDoS occurred.
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