i just built a low end pc, for internet, video, document uses, maybe some games as a second computer
i tried my best to save money. so i used
hp m-atx case, old 200gb seagate, hp psu 250W HIPRO(now i trust psus come with hps, because i had some experiences with hps and never seen hp psu explode. )
1gb pc2 5300 ddr2 X2 (667)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128357 mobo
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116069 e1400/2.0 (200X10)
ATI 2600PRO HIS ICEQ 256MB DDR2 (650/525 to 740/530)
samsung dvd writer
stock intel cooler (came with really thin heatsink. looks like its only an inch think. its running at 5V)
i know these parts are not meant to be OC. (so please dont say something like "your not suppose to OC with that mobo)
im pretty sure there are people out there would agree to me that i believe overclocking is a lot of fun
so i wanna see how much i could get out of this system.
since 2600 only uses less than 40W plus 1HDD 1ODD. i thought i could push hard as i could and have no problem with power shortage.
unluckly this mobo doesnt have FSB ratio less than 2.66 so its at 2.66 (ddr2 is at 711)i believe
currently i have FSB at 266 - 2.6Ghz. ran prime for 8 hours, and its stable. with 5V stock cooler, i get 68C max
i think i can reduce Vcore and still raise the FSB. so i wanna get about 3.0 . is it okay if i let this cpu stay over 85C?(during prime) for a while. because i will be getting better cooler soon(about 3X thicker than stock, with 80mm)
i dont think ill be using or playing something that will stress the cpu that much.
and if i set it to 300, ddr2 will be running at about 798Mhz
will this be okay also? ( i have 80mm running right on the rams
thanks for helping me. and reading my long long question
add: when i plug the fan to 12V instead of 5V temp stays under 43C at load with 2.6.. but loud
but i want to keep it as quite as possible
i just built a low end pc, for internet, video, document uses, maybe some games as a second computer
i tried my best to save money. so i used
hp m-atx case, old 200gb seagate, hp psu 250W HIPRO(now i trust psus come with hps, because i had some experiences with hps and never seen hp psu explode. )
1gb pc2 5300 ddr2 X2 (667)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128357 mobo
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116069 e1400/2.0 (200X10)
ATI 2600PRO HIS ICEQ 256MB DDR2 (650/525 to 740/530)
samsung dvd writer
stock intel cooler (came with really thin heatsink. looks like its only an inch think. its running at 5V)
i know these parts are not meant to be OC. (so please dont say something like "your not suppose to OC with that mobo)
im pretty sure there are people out there would agree to me that i believe overclocking is a lot of fun
so i wanna see how much i could get out of this system.
since 2600 only uses less than 40W plus 1HDD 1ODD. i thought i could push hard as i could and have no problem with power shortage.
unluckly this mobo doesnt have FSB ratio less than 2.66 so its at 2.66 (ddr2 is at 711)i believe
currently i have FSB at 266 - 2.6Ghz. ran prime for 8 hours, and its stable. with 5V stock cooler, i get 68C max
i think i can reduce Vcore and still raise the FSB. so i wanna get about 3.0 . is it okay if i let this cpu stay over 85C?(during prime) for a while. because i will be getting better cooler soon(about 3X thicker than stock, with 80mm)
i dont think ill be using or playing something that will stress the cpu that much.
and if i set it to 300, ddr2 will be running at about 798Mhz
will this be okay also? ( i have 80mm running right on the rams
thanks for helping me. and reading my long long question
add: when i plug the fan to 12V instead of 5V temp stays under 43C at load with 2.6.. but loud
but i want to keep it as quite as possible