E3 Events: Schedule Of Live Streams

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Does Capcom have an event planned? The current state of that company really saddens me

Hello starscream27,

In fact Capcom does have a few live streams planned during E3. During the E3 event in fact there are hundreds of game events that are being streamed with at least two streams going at any given time. Although we could have listed all of these events, many of them are older games or single game events. I felt that listing all of them would overwhelm readers and be hard to show in a neat and organized fashion, so instead we focused on the events with multiple topics being discussed.


Feb 11, 2015
Does Capcom have an event planned? The current state of that company really saddens me

Hello starscream27,

In fact Capcom does have a few live streams planned during E3. During the E3 event in fact there are hundreds of game events that are being streamed with at least two streams going at any given time. Although we could have listed all of these events, many of them are older games or single game events. I felt that listing all of them would overwhelm readers and be hard to show in a neat and organized fashion, so instead we focused on the events with multiple topics being discussed.
Does Capcom have an event planned? The current state of that company really saddens me

Hello starscream27,

In fact Capcom does have a few live streams planned during E3. During the E3 event in fact there are hundreds of game events that are being streamed with at least two streams going at any given time. Although we could have listed all of these events, many of them are older games or single game events. I felt that listing all of them would overwhelm readers and be hard to show in a neat and organized fashion, so instead we focused on the events with multiple topics being discussed.

Thank you
Are serious gamers still excited about Nintendo? I feel like I'd check it out only if they came out with something revolutionary again like the Wii controllers (but even these were seriously trumped after a couple of years with the release of Kinect). It would definitely take someone else I trust to tell me about something spectacular to get me to even look at anything Nintendo again.

I still don't know why they take the lower-level (compared to the other consoles) hardware strategy? The first Wii was able to compete especially because of the controllers, but just think if they had competitive graphics and other app functionality. Also, the whole cool-controller novelty wore off after a couple of months with most people I know. And even though the entry point for the Wii system was less, the overall cost for the hardware exceeded all other consoles when you factored in additional controllers / nunchucks.

Nintendo would truly make for a 3rd choice in the console gaming market instead of becoming the "kiddie console" if they just beefed up the graphics and offered modern-day app support (e.g. Netflix and other).
Are serious gamers still excited about Nintendo?

^^This. There are WiiU people still upset at Slightly Mad Studios for backing off of releasing Project Cars for it. SMS has stated they cannot get PCars to run faster than 22fps at 720p. What else do you expect from a console that has 25% of the memory of the PS4 and XBone, 50% of the shaders, and a GPU with 25% of the teraFLOPS/s performace?

ubercake, you make some good points. It is certainly true that more features would help attract a wider audience, but it isn't the message Nintendo is trying to get across. I write the majority of articles about Nintendo on Tom's Hardware now and the Wii U is the most recent game console I have. That being said, I can give you some incite into what attracts me and others to Nintendo.

First things first, the majority of gamers today own both a PC and a game console. Xbox and Playstation have some first party games, but the majority of games people will buy and play are released on both platforms and PC. Even if the PC isn't up to running them fast or with good quality settings, if it runs faster than a slide show then most people are okay with it. Since you have the PC, the reason to buy the other game consoles is rather limited and starts to only make sense if you don't have a computer capable of playing those games on low settings.

As for why Nintendo limits its features, well. i think it is just that they want the game console to be a game console and not do everything else too. I know it is what we want, but I think that Nintendo feels like this would distract away from the real purpose of the system and that is why they don't add those features. The hardware performance increase should of been more pronounced with the Wii U, but well it is a tough situation. This is more just my own thoughts though, not the full view of Tom's Hardware as a whole. Welp time for the E3 events.

I understand what you are saying. I have a souped up PC in my man cave, an HTPC on one TV in one room and an Xbox One in the living room.

To me, the console has evolved to become a plug-and-play entertainment hub for my living room. Based on the competition out there, I don't think game consoles can stay limited to just gaming any longer...That is... unless they game so much better than the other consoles out that there's no contest.

I wouldn't mind seeing a company release a true gaming console that is so much better than the others at gaming (graphics and fps) that it would blow PS4 and Xbox out of the water altogether. Nintendo doesn't seem to be that company though.

Just to put things into perspective... My HTPC with an i3-2100 and GTX 960 blows away the PS4 and Xbox One with graphics capability. Not even a contest. Nintendo needs to do something like this to gobble up market share if they are going to stick primarily to a gaming-only focus. But since that's not happening, I'm looking at the other features of the console. For now, the Xbox One seems to fill that gap for me.
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