E7500 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU Core speed at 2.13GHz instead of 2.93GHz


Jul 18, 2015
Hello, I am having an issue and it's my first time making a thread on this forum, My knowledge about PCs a little below average.
Anyway I am having this problem where my CPU core speed is at 2.13GHz instead of 2.93GHz and its a E7500, I saw someone having a similar issue with the same E7500 and his problem has been resolved but my issue might have a different fix and I am hoping it does not involve me in messing around with my BIOS.

Here are some screenshots

System Properties : http://gyazo.com/9db4cd2adef5ed348cedd8eff0974e69
CPU Z : http://gyazo.com/388467a4696b88f8457c0ca2ee7fff84
When Booting up : http://gyazo.com/7d01d2c1da9bfb0c7a672c13e3080961

One of the wierd thing is that at Boot up and CPU Z it shows 2.26GHz but Computer>Properties shows 2.13GHz.

GPU : Geforce GT610
Just enter BIOS and reset Settings to Default/Optimized save settings and done.
Just look in right bottom corner in BIOS there is 2 hotkeys you will need to press to make this work.
You enter BIOS with F2 or DEL key.
Just enter BIOS and reset Settings to Default/Optimized save settings and done.
Just look in right bottom corner in BIOS there is 2 hotkeys you will need to press to make this work.
You enter BIOS with F2 or DEL key.