I recently purchased these earbuds http://www.amazon.com/Sentey-Headphones-Microphone-Audiophile-LS-4241/dp/B01CT5X2M6. I tested them with my phone and the audio works properly, but the audio is distorted when I plugged it into the front panel of my pc. There is a button on the earbuds that is used to pause and play music or to answer and end calls. When plugged into my pc, this button does not pause or play music. It makes the audio louder and fixes the audio issues. I plugged it in half way into the panel and sound only plays through one ear but it is clear and good quality. When plugged into the back panel of my pc the sound is perfectly fine and the button does not change/fix the audio.
I've been fooling around with drivers and tried to update them. Windows says they are all updated, however. I have tried disabling front panel detection in Realtek HD Audio Manager which has no effect on the audio quality. I do not know what the problem is.
I've been fooling around with drivers and tried to update them. Windows says they are all updated, however. I have tried disabling front panel detection in Realtek HD Audio Manager which has no effect on the audio quality. I do not know what the problem is.