easeus clone operating system not found


May 10, 2014
'Cloned' from a 500G HDD to a 500G SSD. Took a LONG time but marked 'completed successfully'. Swapped in the SSD and get an 'operating system not found' error.


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Thank you for the response.

I just swapped in/out HDD with SSD. There is only one drive in the internal bay (laptop) and it's the SSD.

Do I need to set it as a boot drive still?

BTW, this is Win 7.

Thank you for responding.

Yes, I cloned the entire drive including the SRP. The SRP was visible in Win 7 Disk Management on the SSD right after clone completed and before I installed it

OK - Cool.

So, you'll need to run the bootrec.exe program from a bootable Windows Install Media or from a Windows System Repair media, as described in my second post, above.


It took me a 3 hour bike ride to figure this out, but I had not plugged in the SSD properly. The cloned SSD drive works without a hitch (at least bootwise). BTW, my 7-8 minute HDD boot time is now down to 45 seconds. Amazing.

Sorry for the false alarm and thank you for your responses.