Easiest way to get my printer back?

unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
It's disappeared from Windows. No trace of it anywhere. The printer still finds the computer, but the computer doesn't acknowledge. It's a network printer.

I could do a reinstall, but the printer won't trigger that because it's already installed, plus it still shows up on my Mac fine so I guess I can just print from there.

Why would Windows do this, it seems to have a mild case of amnesia recently with settings just disappearing, print spool service is running, but the computer is completely blind to it (even in the settings app it's not there)?

EDIT: As an aside, should I get Windows 10? It's free in my situation so I was thinking I will, but a lot of what it brings (that I have seen) to the table I already use because they're on OSX or I'm never going to use because I don't have an Xbox One and never will. Plus I think the flat UI design is kind of ugly. But that Cortana though

I also don't think it will work all that well given my experience of MS products recently (Xbox 360 and 8.1)

I don't have the preview, my opinions are based of what I've seen in videos, write ups, my own experience of MS products and the alternatives. 10 just doesn't get me excited. Interests me a little, but other than that, nothing. If it wasn't free I probably wouldn't even consider it

Computer still incapable of printing, rebooted it and it's fallen of the face of the earth. It's not in Device Manager, it's not in the print dialog, the settings charm, add printer doesn't work because it doesn't see it. Ended up printing what I needed to from my Macbook. Still looking for a way to fix this one
No good I'm afraid :/
My printer was off then I turned it on which is when I discovered this issue. Just power cycled, computer's still blind to it. Add printers in Office errors out with some error about a directory, closed it before I read it properly