[Ebay] Dark Elves, Tau, & more



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.misc (More info?)

Hello again all,

Almost finished Ebaying the first of many storage containers of
miniatures, here's a list of the latest including a bunch of unpainted
Dark Elves broken up into small auctions, Epic Eldar flyers of all
types, a lot of Tau, and some miscellaneous sci-fi stuff. Thrown in at
the bottom are my continuing auctions with a little less than 3 days
left with even more fantasy, sci-fi, and historical miniatures.

Just put up, 7 Days remaining:
Mechwarrior Dark Age 15mm Heavy tank and Infantry
Star Wars Droid Tank (or Warhammer 40K Tau Superheavy)
Warhammer 40K Epic Armageddon Eldar Large Flyer
Warhammer 40K Epic Armageddon Eldar Fighter Bombers x3
Warhammer 40K Epic Armageddon Eldar Fighter Bombers x3
Warhammer 40K Epic Armageddon Eldar Fighters x 2
Warhammer 40K Tau LE Ethereal, Devilfish, drones, & more
Warhammer OOP LE Dark Elf Army Banner Bearer (new)
Warhammer 10 Dark Elf Cold one Knights & command (new)
Warhammer Dark Elf Crossbows w/ command! (new)
Warhammer 10 x Dark Elf Witch Elves w/ command (new)
Warhammer 12 x Dark Elf Corsairs w/ command (new)
Warhammer Dark Elf Malus Darkblade MIB
Warhammer dark Elf Executioners MIB
Warhammer Dark Elf Sorceress MIB
Warhammer Dark Elf Dark Riders Box MIB
Warhammer Dark Elf Dark Riders Box MIB

Still on the auction block w/ <3 days remaining
25mm Wargame Pirates, Female Pirates, Rowboat and more!
Warhammer Warzone Armored Bauhaus Hussar Leader MIB
Warhammer LOTR 25mm Gamling Rohan Banner Bearer MIB
Warhammer OOP 2 x Siege Mantlets MIB
Warhammer OOP 2 x Siege Mantlets MIB
Warhammer 40K OOP plastic Tarantula weapons platform
Warhammer 40K OOP plastic Tarantula weapons platform
Warhammer 40K 2x Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Thrakas
1/72 20mm Zvezda Landsknecht figures miniatures
Warhammer 40K LE OOP Imperial Guard crewmen on foot MIB
Warhammer Undead Vampire Counts Grave Guard Command MIB
Warhammer Ral Partha OOP Crucible Bat Rider MIB
Warhammer 40K LE Blood Angel Statue Space Marine
Warhammer Chaos Chariot MIB
Warhammer OOP Bloobowl Commissioner's Kit MIB
Warhammer 40K RARE OOP 6 Chaos Androids (Not Epic)
Warhammer Games Workshop 4 Misfire Artillery dice MIB

Thanks for looking,
Donovan Borman