Ecs mcp61pm am dual core am2 motherboard compatible CPUs


Mar 8, 2010

I have a ECS MCP61PM-AM AM2 Motherboard. I currenty have a AMD 64X2 4000+ 2.1Ghz CPU installed. I just tried to install an AMD 64X2 5600+ 2.9 Ghz and my system went nuts.

Now, after VERY EXTENSIVE research, I've discovered that the 5600+, although advertised as an AM2 socket, is actually an "AM2+" socket.

Which "AVAILABLE" AMD 64 X2 CPU's are compatible with my motherboard?
I updated my BIOS and I'm still getting a system freeze, but only with the new CPU, after boot, after windows vista loads.

The error message: Digital Cable Device Registration Application Has Stopped Working

Problem Signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: ehPrivJob.exe
Application Version: 6.060001.18000

Is this related to a Media Center problem?
IF so, what's the fix?