ECS Z170: Who Needs An LED Motherboard When You Can Have A Lightsaber?

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I dont want any leds on my motherboard.

Too many frikking lights on hardware components these days. Its completely unnecessary. If people want case lighting, just add your own lights.
You guys do realize that if the motherboard give you RGB control options you can set the LEDs to 0,0,0 to turn them off right?

No one is forcing you to use them, you have the OPTION to turn them off. this is better than the rainbow of colours that we have now where the BIOS LED is one colour, the power LED is another, the MEM ok is another colour, the on board power button and im not even going to mention the colour of and the audio light path that can be any colour from red to blue to green.
You guys do realize that if the motherboard give you RGB control options you can set the LEDs to 0,0,0 to turn them off right.
The problem isn't turning them off, it's that they shouldn't be on there in the first place, as they waste time, money, power and space. Space is at a premium on most motherboards as it is, so adding LEDs is like saying "we care more about gimmicks than actually useful features", making any component with LEDs (other than LED strips obviously) a must-not-buy from me. Actually LED strips too because I hate the idea of lighting a case, it's stupid, looks stupid and is stupid.
There is enough lights already in routers and other home devices, but with that new LED motherboard, it is so bright that you could do a christmas tree and put a bunch of motherboards on your tree.
I like some lighting in my case, but I also understand the desire not wanting to pay for a feature that is not going to be used.
Obviously for the manufactures to split their products out to LED and non-LED seems out of the question. Makes me wonder if that would actually raise the price having to split the manufacturing across twice as many models vs just all LED all the time.

All they need to do is not make products with LED lighting on them; while I'm not a fan of lighting in cases, the ones that look the best almost always use decent LED strips they've positioned themselves. In fact those have a major advantage in that you can position them around the clear window in your case if you have one, as avoids overly bright lights shining out, but still illuminates the components.

Either that or you get a case that comes with lighting included, though usually these are some kind of LED strips anyway, so you're mostly just getting the work done for you (and/or a discount on them).
I definitely don't.

I mean seriously, what kind of retard buys this shiny crap? Some 13yo kid spending his daddy's money perhaps?
Lights on a mainboard is a gimmick in my book. The only light I want to see coming from my mainboard is the indicator lights showing system status.

Bigger question is how this mainboard stands up against others in benchmark tests.

Motherboard benchmarks usually result in the same performance all around. The only performance gains some have in benchmarks is that they may OC a CPU better, which is not really the motherboard enhancing performance in the benchmark, but rather the CPU.
Oh, I don't know about that. I bought a motherboard with USB illumination by accident and one of the light up zones is genuinely useful... You can light up the IO plate on the back so you can see what you're plugging in. It's very useful, but only very rarely do I actually need it.
Very simple MB. Z170 PRO GAMING is much more better layout
*Power phases*
That's my number one consideration when I see a board.
Then the heatsink, then the MOSFET ,choke and cap quality/ capacity.

Why do motherboards need even one LED?
1. Easy/ cheap to implement, potent to market. +Differentiation.
2. Aesthetics/ bling.
3. Debugging/ status LEDs
4. They also draw negligible power.

If you've seen boards with debug code LEDs.... you'll know. They can be a life saver when something goes wrong and your stuff won't boot. Ask any IT guy who's been using PCI - card BIOS code debuggers for decades. This enables us end users to not have to go looking for such a card when something blows up.

PS/2 ports??? LOL
1. PS/2 doesn't need polling as compared to USB. Input on cheap 125Hz mice is highly responsive on such mouses ( I read computer mouse ->(plural)--> mouses and not mice! )
2. A lot of legacy and industrial hardware comes in PS/2 flavors. For example, in India, TVS is the biggest supplier of mechanical Cherry blue switch keyboards and on government tenders and contracts, they've elected to supply the PS/2 keyboard instead of the USB version.

I used their KB. One can buy a full fledged PS/2 Cherry blue mech KB for 24$, that's USD.
I'm now on a 135$ CM Quickfire. Not everyone can afford one.
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