[SOLVED] (Edit) No graphics card detected (MSI MS-7293 Ver 2.0)

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Jun 17, 2023
Hello, I have a problem with my motherboard (MSI MS-7293 Ver 2.0) and my 2 RAM sticks (HYS64T64000HU-3.7-A 512 mb x2)

My RAM sticks are no longer detected by the motherboard.

When I insert the RAMs into the slot and turn on the PC I get the following beep:
One long beep and two short beeps

However the thermoregulation works and the HDD has activity and keyboard work.
When I remove the RAM sticks, the thermoregulation does not work and the fan is in full speed with an another beep code.

I tried to put a single stick in each of the 2 slots.
Nothing works even with the second stick

I cleaned the contacts of the sticks with special electrical contact WD40.
No result.

I tried the clear cmos.
No result.

I don't know what to do, this pc is just for word processing and i need it.

Thanks for your help
I found the solution,

It's not the RAM sticks as I might have thought but the long beep and the two shorter ones indicate a video problem.

So I cleaned the graphics card and port contacts with WD40 for electrical contact.
(⚠️ The product must dry before turning on the computer)

Now my motherboard detects all my graphics cards.
Welcome to the forums newcomer!

You might want to inspect the motherboard for any bulging/leaking/swollen caps. Are you working with a Fujitsu prebuilt PC?

You might want to use an eraser on the gold contacts for the ram sticks. Wipe clean off of any dirt/debris after using the eraser then repopulate the slots on the motherboard.
Thank you very much,

It's a Siemens Scaleo P
I used a eraser to clean the contacts because I had the same problem that sometimes happened before

Usually it works and the pc works again but this time, nothing.
That why i open this thread :)
Welcome to the forums newcomer!

You might want to inspect the motherboard for any bulging/leaking/swollen caps. Are you working with a Fujitsu prebuilt PC?

You might want to use an eraser on the gold contacts for the ram sticks. Wipe clean off of any dirt/debris after using the eraser then repopulate the slots on the motherboard.
Update :
I compared the bios errors and it was the videos error.

I tried to change the graphics card, no result.
I put the original one back and miracle, the bios beeps to say that everything is ok !

The pc works perfectly, I will try to clean the GPU port and connectors.

So it's not a RAM problem as I might have thought.
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I found the solution,

It's not the RAM sticks as I might have thought but the long beep and the two shorter ones indicate a video problem.

So I cleaned the graphics card and port contacts with WD40 for electrical contact.
(⚠️ The product must dry before turning on the computer)

Now my motherboard detects all my graphics cards.
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