EFF Criticizes 'Misleading' iOS 11 Wireless Settings

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This just in...
Apple users... can't figure out what the issue is when their bluetooth is disabled and none of their bluetooth stuff is working.
This sounds like when I heard Gateway might add an "Any" key to the keyboard because they got too many calls asking where it was located. (Not joking)

Bottom line is each company has to deal with customer ignorance. Some companies just have a lot more ... ignorant customers.

I can think of MANY other companies that would have more tech savvy customers.

So now Apple can expect complaints about "Why does my battery drain so fast? I DID turn off bluetooth and wifi... What do you mean turn them off again!?"


Yep... that is bad. I usually turn those of because I would like to save battery, but now it has been made really hard to do that...
it is like, when i lock down my houses out Door, it does not actually lock down. It just look like it. Because it will be easier to walk in the house when the Door is not actually Locked when you come back home. Very convennient indeed!


May 26, 2015
Cry me a river. No really.
Granted the changes should have been pointed out on the upgrade notices but nobody is going to die. If you want them off all the way turn them off in settings. The only thing I’ve used the dashboard for is flashlight and if I could make an icon for airplane mode only I’d delete, remove etc the dash entirely. It’s the only two buttons I’ve used and it’s excessively difficult to bring the dash up when an app or keyboard is on the screen anyway.
You can use the partial disable in dash or the full turn off in settings. Chose your location. Move along now.


Oct 22, 2016
I noticed this recently, and I think it’s kinda shady because it’s when you leave on BT and WiFi that stores, kiosks, et al. are able to track you, log you, and potentially spam you with location based ads.

To me, I think this kind of tracking is creepy and invasive. Just by walking into a CostCo or Walmart, I don’t think I’m consenting to be precisely tracked, identified and logged.

So now I don’t use the normal way of turning BT and WiFi off, I go into the settings and turn it off-off now. The EFF has a valid point, imho.


Oct 10, 2014
There was a time when I could somewhat respect Apple products even if I didn't like the company.

Between this and the numerous security flaws of late, I'm finding it less and less true.
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