Effect of extra 4 gb ram on FPS???


May 18, 2013

I have an HP n209tx laptop. Its specs are:

Core i5 4200u
4gb ddr3 ram
2 gb nvidia GT 740m GPU
1 tb HDD.

Now the problem with my laptop is that when i try to play latest games at the lowest possible settings, the laptop delivers VERY poor frame rates. For instance FC4, i set everything to low/off, still it is unplayable.

On the other hand, my friend has an HP Envy j111TX whose specs are:

Core i7 4200MQ
8 gb ddr3 ram
2gb nividia gt 740m.

However new games including fc4 and ryse:son of rome etc. work very well on his laptop in med settings.

Since the GPU in both our laptops is absolutely same, I was thinking that it is my RAM which is dragging me down.

I intend to purchase an extra 4 gb ram, but am skeptical of whether it will improve my FPS in games or not.

Other than RAM, it can only be the processor which can affect performance but i don't think that it will create such huge difference in fps.

I'll appreciate any help!
Since you have a discrete GPU with dedicated memory the effect of adding more memory probably won't be dramatic, if at all. You'll likely see some increase in performance on some titles since the CPU will a bit more to work with, but for the most part it's not going to affect gaming that much. His i7 with additional threads is more likely to be the source of his superior performance and FPS in general.
Since you have a discrete GPU with dedicated memory the effect of adding more memory probably won't be dramatic, if at all. You'll likely see some increase in performance on some titles since the CPU will a bit more to work with, but for the most part it's not going to affect gaming that much. His i7 with additional threads is more likely to be the source of his superior performance and FPS in general.
Its better you build a pc. It seems everything perfect for gaming. But playing games on laptop may get virus and some applications will stop working. As I know, I was being playing watch dogs on my dads i7 laptop. After few days, when my dad opened it, many applications refused to work. So I recommend you to get a ps4 or gaming pc

As usual, i7 differs from i5 and you have 4gb less ram.

Me too looking for a gaming pc. I am saving money to get a fx 6300 and a GeForce 1gb gddr5. I rec you to do the same.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I am inclining towards purchasing that extra 4 gb RAM stick.

It won't hurt, that much we know for sure. It might not increase your performance by leaps and bounds, but if it was my rig, I'd want at least 8GB. My Envy has 16GB but I run some pretty heavy applications on it and don't use it for gaming since I can't stand gaming on 768 resolutions.

Extra ram can be helpful at higher resolutions and settings, and many of the latest titles work best with 6+ gb of ram. I'm inclined to agree with darkbreeze here in that you probably aren't going to see a huge difference, but I would still definitely want 8gb if it were me