Effects Of Room Temp On System Temp?


Nov 19, 2013
So I tested my FX 8320 in Prime95 for three hours. Max temp was 63C, stock cooler. However, for some reason I couldn't get to full load in Task Manager, it registered as 95% (in Core Temp, load appeared to be 100%). I tried Intel Burn Test, same issue, couldn't get to 100% load. Don't know if that's a problem, but after several hours of searching I couldn't find a solution. As for my GPU, I ran my Asus Radeon 280X in FurMark for half an hour, and temperature stabilized at 80C.

Looking around online, these look like fairly normal numbers, if maybe towards the high end. However, I conducted these stress tests in my basement, which is currently 15-18C. In the summer, the temperature can reach maybe 25C max, and I'm wondering if that could push my system outside of the acceptable temperature range. Thoughts? How much would a 7-10C increase affect my CPU and GPU temps?
the official safe temp for the 8350 is 61c and it will throttle back after this.
the official safe temp for the 280x is 94c and it will shut down after this.

keep in mind that was a full system load benchmark test designed to use your system to the max. this is not going to be actual temperature during average usage patterns. i would go more by the "idle" and "gaming" temperatures and just keep the "full load" temperatures in the back of your head for reference.

i would add a cheap cooler to your cpu. for some reason the 8 core amd cpus dont have a high thermal limit (6 cores have 71c limit, intel has 105c). while you are most likely fine without one (pending gaming temp results) it may be a good idea.

my own system normally runs...
also keep in mind that you are stress testing your system right now. unless you plan on running at 95-100% load (which basically will only happen with stress testing) in the summer its not too relevant as your temps will be lower (from lower usage). 25c (77f) isnt terribly hot. i dont forsee that as a huge issue. since right now you say its 18c (64f). it can easily be 26-29c (80-85f) inside if not higher in the summer. some days its 35c (95f) outside and we have no a/c.

i wouldnt advise any stress testing in extreme temperatures but for the range of temperatures you suggested i dont see a problem

Ok, thanks. I live in a fairly cold climate, and with AC temperatures rarely get above 75F. My only worry is that I think my system may be running a little hotter than it should be, but I'm not sure. What do you think? Are the benchmarks a little higher than expected?
at full load? 60/80 sound like average numbers to me.

now that you've done that test... get an idle temperature for both and an in-game temperature after an hour or so of playing.

that will tell you about how your temps will look in comparision to full load and whether or not you need to do anything.

do you have a cpu cooler (aftermarket) and what kind of pc case and fan config?

I'm using the stock cooler, I have a Corsair 300R. Not really sure what you mean by fan config (I haven't messed around with fan speed yet), but I believe the front is intake and the back is output.

My idle temps appear to be good (3-20C and 24C for the CPU and GPU respectively). I don't have any high stress games on my PC currently, so I don't know if I'll be able to test that until after the holidays.

I'm not sure, I thought that was odd as well. I'm running Core Temp, which was recommended to me, but the temp does seem to jump around a fair amount while idling.

Well, I'm running a FX 8320, so that might be the case?

Btw, anything in the OP that looks wrong to you? Stress test results appear to be within allowances, etc?
AMD sensors aren't accurate until they hit 40 degrees Celsius. Around that region,actually.
Actually,your figures look to be in line.And i wouldn't be too woried about 25C ambient temps.I'm in Singapore and ambient temps are 30C on the average.FX line runs great.

I would advise you to invest in an aftermarket CPU cooler.The stock is not that great. I think that may be the reason for your load figure irregularities.Either that,or your motherboard is overheating.Check your BIOS settings for any power savings settings.Turn them off and run your tests again,if they are on.

Ok, I'll look over my BIOS really quick. But how would I know if my motherboard is overheating? Any recommendations for programs that could specify that?

Also, just want to mention that while I couldn't reach max load in Task Manager, Core Temp register load on all 8 cores at 100%. Not sure what would cause that irregularity, but just FYI.
If your motherboard and/or CPU is overheating,power to the CPU would be throttled by the motherboard until temps come back down to tolerable limits as determined by the motherboard

I am not sure of that at all.Sorry.

Ok, I examined the BIOS, and I did find one problem. For some reason, the OS settings were set to "Other" instead of "Windows 8". Not really sure how that was changed or what it does, but I corrected it. As for power settings, everything was normal. I'm running Prime95 once more, but again Task Manger is only showing 97% load in Blend. I don't know if that's because my mobo is overheating, I have no idea how I would monitor that, but it would seem odd to be experiencing throttling at a max temp of 63C.
Overheating would be corrected by the power being throttled to the cpu.I don't think that is the case in your situation. Actually,i have no idea what seems to be causing that.Perhaps task manager itself is to be blamed?

Yah, I guess it must be a software issue. However, I did reach 100% load in Task Manager when running Intel Burn Test, but only for thirty seconds before it dropped of to 95% (not exactly long enough to get a temperature reading). I really don't know what's going on with it, I'm just hoping its nothing serious.

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. Btw, could it be that the stress test is overloading the ram and running partially off my SSD cache? I'm trying Intel Burn Test again, and I see that my available RAM drop precipitously after about thirty seconds (which coincidences with the drop in load). I have 8GB, so I'm not sure how it would max my memory, but that could possibly be the cause?
From what i've read up on the burn test,and i've not read much,the more memory you have,the better for the test. I don't think the software uses the HDD/SSD memory? I'm not well versed in the burn test.But prime95 did not yield anything apart from the OP,right?

It yields anything from 95-97% load depending on the type of test (Blend, Small FFTs, etc).

I'm wondering about the RAM because of this video tutorial (this is the same one I referred to before running my stress test): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJx8NPjzOuA (Skip to 5:15)

Thanks, I'll try this sometime tonight. But what kind of temperatures should I expect when gaming? Constantly running anywhere near 60/80 would obviously decrease my components lifespan, but what kind of range is comfortable?
the official safe temp for the 8350 is 61c and it will throttle back after this.
the official safe temp for the 280x is 94c and it will shut down after this.

keep in mind that was a full system load benchmark test designed to use your system to the max. this is not going to be actual temperature during average usage patterns. i would go more by the "idle" and "gaming" temperatures and just keep the "full load" temperatures in the back of your head for reference.

i would add a cheap cooler to your cpu. for some reason the 8 core amd cpus dont have a high thermal limit (6 cores have 71c limit, intel has 105c). while you are most likely fine without one (pending gaming temp results) it may be a good idea.

my own system normally runs about 39/53 idle (i7-920, gtx470 with stock/ref coolers) which is on the high side but it is stable and has been for years. keep in mind that intel has higher tolerances. nvidia is about the same as ati.

i dont think your temps are high enough to worry too much about though (pending on gaming results)