EHD just Blinks, not recognized by Device Mgr, can't access


Nov 3, 2017
We had a power problem yesterday and after that I could not access my EHD, drive letter "R". All it does is blink away like it is being read. It is recognized by Explorer that I have drive R plugged in. I cannot access it, get the message R not accessible, parameter incorrect I tried CHKDSK and can't access it. Device Manager doesn't recognize it.

I just would like to get my data off of it. It was suggested on another site I get an EHD to USB adapter, pull the drive out of the case and connect it with the adapter. I am not sure that will work.

Would the above work or any other ideas?

I don't know anyone who has a desktop computer that I could use.

If I could figure out where the EHD is having the problem I would have a hint as to what to do about it. I guess I will need to send it out to Drivesavers or someplace. Really didn't want to do that.
I may have some hope, tell me if not. I plugged it into my daughter's laptop and initially Explorer displayed what is on the disk. As soon as I tried to read it, the blinking started and I haven't been able to get to that point again.