Electric in pc case


Dec 17, 2017
I dont know how to describe this situation but when i touch metal on my pc case i can feel the electric. i hate it. Do i have a problem with my psu? Or something else?
Sounds like you have a grounding issue OR like a cable in your case is messed up and powering the case.. IT should not feel electrified! the ONLY time that has happened to me was when a cable after a few months had vibrated threw and grounded to the case BUT it burned the cable up.. it was epic.. SMOKE and everything out the case.. luckely it was just a fan cable and all I had to do was replace the fan. It didn't fry anything other then the fan cable.. melted it to a crisp. (that was like 10 years ago)

I would really check all your cables, and such to make sure nothing is rubbing threw the wiring and grounding something that should not be.
Is your wall socket that you plug the PC into a 2 prong or 3 prong wall socket? You most likely have a grounding problem. You need to check if your wall sockets electrical sockets are properly grounded. You can get something like this, but for your country's electical system, to verify grounding. https://www.amazon.com/Sperry-Instruments-GFI6302-Receptacle-Professional/dp/B000RUL2UU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1525410515&sr=8-3&keywords=wall+socket+tester&dpID=41lRWPMgkJL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
