Electrical Insulation between CPU, GPU and Heatsink in Laptop


Feb 18, 2017
I recently needed to replace the thermal paste from my Asus Notebook K52JU Laptop as it has become dry and my laptop has been running hot.

While doing this I came across two single sided adhesive plastic pieces http://imgur.com/0SlPfVK (sorry about image rotation) which lay over the CPU and GPU which I assume are to prevent a short circuit between the heat sink. I removed these temporarily to clean the thermal paste and then attempted to put them back

Upon doing this I realized that they no longer sticky enough to remain put and I don't want to risk running the laptop without these stickers applied... Is there anywhere online where I can purchase a similar material that I can cut to fit the CPU and GPU so that it does the same job?

Thanks much in advance
Those are the thermal pads - you CAN just use enough thermal paste (the right kind) so that you don't have to use the thermal pads (perfectly viable option).

You really don't need to bother buying new thermal pads unless you aren't sure about the height of the components in the laptop.
Thanks for your help LucaFire

I'm not exactly sure whether those are thermal pads though I may be wrong - the only part of the heatsink that comes into contact with the CPU and GPU is the shiny metallic surfaces surrounded by thermal paste you see in the image, the rest of the CPU and GPU are at a lower level than the heatsink could theoretically reach, the plastics are also only one-sided adhesive so I don't think their purpose is to conduct heat but rather to insulate electicity in case the heatsink does come into contact with it.
I would like to replace the thermal pad on the laptop if this is the case...

The pad you linked does not seem to be made of plastic like the one on my laptop is... I have tried searching online for one that is similar to the one on the laptop (plastic, adhesive on only one side) but I cannot seem to find any

Is there any place online where I could find some? I live in the United Kingdom
