Electronic Arts Ends Courtship With Take-Two

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The fewer games I have to buy from EA the better. This is good news, although, not necessarily for Take-Two shareholders, but for the PC-Gaming community.
I wholeheartedly agree, Fulle. The only games I intend to buy, are non-EA games now. If they bought TT out, and tried to make a "new" GTA game, I'm sure that game would suck. I bet the reason why they dropped the takeover, is that the money isn't there, now that the excitement of GTA has died down.
*whew* Take Two, you just dodged the bullet...

However, Fulle, what do you mean "have to buy from EA" - don't you mean choose to buy?

Personally, I choose never to buy another EA product until they remove their crippling restrictions. Any money I give them is nothing more than a vote for their product restrictions.
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