News Electronic Flower Dress Blooms at the Touch of a Button


The continuous servo motor pulls threads through flexible 3D printed channels.
Yup. That's exactly what I was thinking. Too bad there's not a video to show it in action!

To really add that sense of mystery, the servo needs to be quiet enough that you wouldn't hear it above a quiet murmur. It'd be neat to have 3 motors, so you could stagger the opening and closing, like in a wave.

And let's be honest, this is one of those cases where use of RGB would be very defensible. In a dimly-lit room, how else are people going to notice the flowers?

To really add a sense of mystique, it should trigger off some cue like movement (or lack thereof) or proximity (bluetooth?) to someone or somewhere. Imagine if the flowers closed and LEDs dimmed as you started walking. Then, when you're standing in place for about 10 seconds or more, the LEDs brighten, followed by the flowers opening.