Eliminate Options?


Jan 16, 2001
Hi All,
Can someone tell me if and how to eliminate the option upon startup of either running Win2000 or Win98? I first installed a dual boot Win2000 Pro/Win 98 but have subsequently reformatted and installed only Win2000. Would be a lot easier starting up to eliminate the option. Thanks!
go into c: and open up boot.ini file, (if you cannot see it, go to menu-tools/folder options/view tab. check "show hidden or system files" and uncheck "hide extensions to known file types"-makes it a lil easier to determine files), then close that out and now open up boot.ini. you'll see [Operating Systems] a few lines down. you'll have the line for win2000 and there will be a line for win98. delete the one for win98. then at the end of the win2000 line, do one space then type in /fastdetect. that will make it go right to win2000 without waiting.

[insert philosophical statement here]
Thanks MBETEA. I used opened the file but win98 was not listed. Everything else you mentioned was though. I reset the time delay to 0 and that did the trick. Thanks again for the help.
Here Ya go:
{Start/Run/Boot.ini} yields:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
C:\ = "Microsoft Windows"

The timeout is what I changed from 30 to 0.
