'Elite: Dangerous Horizons' Is Here

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I bought the game on Black Friday, and later got the expansion on the game website (it had a discount if you owned the game). Sadly it didn't want to run on my current rig, just got a black screen.

Yesterday with the release of the expansion the x64 build worked. Still "earning my wings", but looks pretty fun. Glad i bought a cheap HOTAS stick.
Game of the Year. This year, and last year.
Except it's not? It also doesn't have nearly enough real content to claim such a noteworthy prize... Perhaps 5-10 years/seasons of updates down the road..
I'm not a big fan of the "Early Access" model... but at least with other games you got a big price break for your assumption of risk. With these games they expect you to pay 'finished game' prices for unfinished games. It's a non-starter for me.
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