Elon Musk spending other people's money not a new thing.
They all spend other people's money, all of them, without exception. Musk is merely spending a lot less of other people's money than they are...
😉 I like that myself, because in tech, like in politics, he who spends the most money frequently loses the race. Quality matters far more than quantity. You have to have a certain quantity to attempt a business, but if the quality isn't there, then
This whole enchilada seems more like an adolescent e-peen contest every day. A lot of that, I think, is because of the way it's publicized in the general and tech press. It's all so simple-minded these days. It's not about computers that think, reason, and judge, because those computers do not exist and never will. "AI" seems to me to be essentially a new face--a new spin--on search engine tech. It's what the copyright lawyers are hashing out right now, and Google is hoping to avoid with the FTC.
Forget Skynet and complex computers that "become self-aware" one day. That's all investor dope designed to milk the pockets of the unwashed masses. What are the base requirements for becoming an AI investor? Four things strike me as essential:
1) You really enjoyed the Terminator movies and Skynet "makes perfect sense".
2) You see investing in
Skynet, "AI," as "getting in on the ground floor of a great investment, like you did with Walmart."
3) You have an adequate amount of disposable income you can safely risk.
4) Greed rolls off of you in waves, and you regard it as an essential food source.
Yes, I know, I'm cynical, but I'll wager I'm not alone...