Question eMachines e728 - Intel T4500 CPU upgrade

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Jun 16, 2020
Hello. I'd like to upgrade a CPU in my eMachines HM55-MV e728 notebook. Current specs:

CPU: Intel Pentium T4500
Chipset: Intel GL40 (Southbridge: 82801IM (ICH9-M)
BIOS: v1.3410 (latest available from emachines site)

I have bought a CPU T9500 SLAYX (there is also a SLAQH version). After installing it, laptop is not giving any signs of life despite HDD and power LEDs. After switching back to T4500 everything seems ok. Should I order the SLAQH version or is this CPU unsupported by BIOS? If so how about T9300? Or maybe the ordered T9500 is damaged? Can I check it somehow? Or maybe there is some other BIOS available?
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