email address on ...

In order to change the email associated with their accounts, users have to perform the following steps:

1) Go to account settings:

2) Under "Related Accounts", they must click "Add account"

3) From here, you must register and confirm a new account.

4) They you must log in with this second account, using the newly registered email.
4A) This will result in you being logged in to the original account.
4B) The dummy account is never used again and becomes inaccessible, despite still being, for all intents and purposes, present and existing in the database.

5) Then you have to navigate back to account settings

6) Under "Related Accounts", you need to hit "Edit" and choose the new email...
In order to change the email associated with their accounts, users have to perform the following steps:

1) Go to account settings:

2) Under "Related Accounts", they must click "Add account"

3) From here, you must register and confirm a new account.

4) They you must log in with this second account, using the newly registered email.
4A) This will result in you being logged in to the original account.
4B) The dummy account is never used again and becomes inaccessible, despite still being, for all intents and purposes, present and existing in the database.

5) Then you have to navigate back to account settings

6) Under "Related Accounts", you need to hit "Edit" and choose the new email to act as the main email.