Empires: Dawn of the Modern World won't run in Win10


Oct 29, 2017
I'm trying to get an old Activision game, Empires Dawn of the Modern World, to run on my Windows 10 laptop.

I'm sure I've seen it done in the past but I can't persuade it to work. I've tried running in Compatibility Mode for Win XP (Service Packs 2 & 3), Vista, 7 and 8 but none of those seem to work. I get the notification asking if I want to run the program as it's an exe, but after that nothing happens.

Has anyone managed to get this or another old game to work properly on Win10?

according to GoG.com at least, said game should be windows 10 compatible. Which it might not be.
Some sites say that updating the game might fix the issues. (installation from old disk is not up to date)

If game uses old directplay for any reason, it pretty much is not, unless you use something to emulate that, like DXWND which works for most directplay reliant games.
according to GoG.com at least, said game should be windows 10 compatible. Which it might not be.
Some sites say that updating the game might fix the issues. (installation from old disk is not up to date)

If game uses old directplay for any reason, it pretty much is not, unless you use something to emulate that, like DXWND which works for most directplay reliant games.
Bumping this - the game can be played but lags ridiculously and often freezes for long periods of time. There's no way it should have problems as my laptop is about 20x more powerful than required. Any ideas why this might be? Thanks