Question Encrypted Files


Sep 3, 2017

My friends files are encrypted. Can someone [lease help me decrypt them? I have tried taking file ownership but was unsuccessful and was wondering what my options are? Is there any software out there that would help against such ransomware attack?

Thank you,

My friends files are encrypted. Can someone [lease help me decrypt them? I have tried taking file ownership but was unsuccessful and was wondering what my options are? Is there any software out there that would help against such ransomware attack?

Thank you,
Encrypted via ransomware?
Unless there is a published decryption for it, your friend is out of luck.
Okay so do a search on the file's extension to see if there is a decryption key available for it? If these are all images in .JPG format are you talking about looking for a decryption software for .JPG extensions? How do I check this? Thank you
Tylers's HDD, Mam's Laptop....

Did you install Tyler's HDD into your computer from another computer?

Or is that HDD an external HDD used to backup the laptop photographs?

Who are Tyler and/or Mam? Your friends?

One of them should have admin rights to the HDD/Folders/Files in order to provide you with the necessary rights to view the images.