Question Encrypted HDD woes on Lenovo G580


Aug 21, 2020

I have a Lenovo G580, which was password protected both in the bios and the HDD, and running ubuntu 18.04. I replaced the HDD with a SSD and everything seemed OK. I then installed ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
I set the bios and HDD passwords, so I know the passwords.
Now I notice that I am not asked for a bios password. I can live with that, but there are two nagging issues. The earlier HDD was encrypted, and now I cannot use it using a HDD enclosure. It does not get recognized. The second issue is, I can't get into the bios setting by pressing F2 at all. I can get into the OS selection using F12 sometimes, but just cannot get into bios setting. Is this related to the bios password issue as well? Will a bios reset using the coin battery approach help?
Thanks in advance for any help.
When I put back the old encrypted drive, I was asked the disk passwd. I could subsequently boot into Ubuntu and reformat the disk to NTFS. BTW, I used a Ubuntu on a pen drive to boot. Later on I restored the laptop with the working SSD drive with Ubuntu. The laptop is functional, but it does not give me any option to get into BIOS.
Earlier, I tried booting without the boot disk, and I could not get into the BIOS using the F2 key... it straightaway went into the boot options, and trying a network boot.
The reason why I need to edit the BIOS options is to remove the network boot option. I think there are some "wake up on" options, that it making the laptop reboot, when I ussue the shutdown command.
Any other options I can try? Or, should I just live with what I have?
The problem of the Lenovo G580 not shutting down, was narrowed down to a 4 port USB 3 hub (Orico W9PH4-U3) being plugged in. So I cut open the USB cable to the hub and introduced an on/off switch. Now the PC shuts down gracefully and stays shut.
The original problem of not accessing BIOS settings is not solved.