B bosses Reputable Aug 30, 2014 1 0 4,510 Aug 30, 2014 #1 Car ran hot and won't crank back up put water in it and put two quarts of oil in it and still won't crank, what do u think is wrong
Car ran hot and won't crank back up put water in it and put two quarts of oil in it and still won't crank, what do u think is wrong
Solution wip99gt Nov 9, 2014 Seized or hydraulically locked. Pull the spark plugs out and take a look.
I i7Baby Titan BANNED Jul 25, 2012 44,080 2 106,960 Aug 30, 2014 #2 You've seized the engine and now need to replace it. Upvote 1 Downvote
SkyBill40 Distinguished Oct 11, 2013 1,761 88 20,940 Oct 4, 2014 #3 Could be a blown head gasket and your coolant and oil have mixed. Take out some of the oil and see what color it is. If it's a creamy, light brown color... you're hosed. Upvote 0 Downvote
Could be a blown head gasket and your coolant and oil have mixed. Take out some of the oil and see what color it is. If it's a creamy, light brown color... you're hosed.
1criticthatmatters Honorable Sep 17, 2013 61 0 10,640 Nov 7, 2014 #4 It's likely seized, it could be a number of reason why. You should tear it down anyway, it could turn out to be salvageable. Upvote 0 Downvote
It's likely seized, it could be a number of reason why. You should tear it down anyway, it could turn out to be salvageable.
wip99gt Distinguished Feb 23, 2008 737 0 19,060 Nov 9, 2014 Solution #5 Seized or hydraulically locked. Pull the spark plugs out and take a look. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
P puleyixias Reputable Nov 23, 2014 2 0 4,520 Nov 23, 2014 #6 Seized or hydraulically locked. Pull the spark plugs out and take a look. Upvote 0 Downvote