Recently got a radeon 5870 config sys : apit 35pro ,q6600 @3.15 ,2gig 800mhz 1:1 , and immediately tested RE5 benchmark Fixed,and got only 55fps at everything highest AA8X no vsync, 1980x1080 ,now Im assuming the cultprit is PSU which is 500watt
or is it something else psu has 6pin conected to gpu ,while for the other connector is used using the converter shipped with card ,now while that converter has a spare connection Im thinking of connecting that too to the psu look at this diagram
Should I connect the spare one or not ?
or is it something else psu has 6pin conected to gpu ,while for the other connector is used using the converter shipped with card ,now while that converter has a spare connection Im thinking of connecting that too to the psu look at this diagram
Should I connect the spare one or not ?