Enough Power to CF?

Maciek Fulton

May 10, 2013
I'm wondering if it was possible for me to crossfire my 7970 with a 280x given my systems PSU.

My rig-
i7 3770k
7970 OC edition ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202008 )
8 gb ddr 3 1600 low profile ram
1x 1TB WD black HDD
1x 24x asus DVD burner
700w PSU ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341018 )
My case has:
- 3x 230mm fans
- 1x 140 fan

I don't plan to over clock, but I do plan to run a tri-monitor system. Would the 700w PSU be enough to power everything?


Crossfiring the 7970 and 280X would require a minimum of at least ~900W I'd say. And following what AMD tells you it would require around 1000W. A PSU isn't a component you should mess with, it's one of the most important parts in your system. I'd defenatly consider upgrading to a 1000W PSU.
Crossfiring the 7970 and 280X would require a minimum of at least ~900W I'd say. And following what AMD tells you it would require around 1000W. A PSU isn't a component you should mess with, it's one of the most important parts in your system. I'd defenatly consider upgrading to a 1000W PSU.

Darn, i was hoping that wouldn't be the answer xD I checked on http://extreme.outervision.com/PSUEngine and it says i would need a recommended 700w psu, but i think that's pushing it. Sigh, a 1000w psu is 160 USD at lowest, ill need to save up abit more $$$ then.