Discussion Enough with the Pinch of Salt line...

Every time there is a leak or rumor it seems every writer who writes about computer technology throws in some sort of line involving salt.
Its not important it seems to me like a bad trend that continues to get worse. Simply mention its a rumor or some sort of leak and move on.
The line is used mostly for the casual reader, who might not understand what a leak might entail in terms of reliability.
For someone who keeps up on it, you already know to be skeptical from non official specs etc, so it seems wasted.

Its mostly a matter of appealing to the largest number possible.
It doesn't bother me at all, I love old expressions. Matter of preference, plain and simple.

When it regards something unbelievable I often say "Take this with a block of salt", like a salt lick you put out for deer or cattle... lol